Friday, January 14, 2011

Pajama Day

It is currently noon where I am, I am enjoying one of my last days of freedom before school starts again. Here is the deal, I think I want to stay in my pajamas all day, and finish off reading the Millennium Trilogy. But I know what happens when I stay in  my pajamas all day, three o'clock rolls around and I think to myself "still in your Pj's? you gross person. Go take a shower and put on some clothes" and I start to feel really guilty and then I start to question my mental health. But then another part of me is all "The day is basically over why bother?"

And arguing with yourself is certainly not a sign of perfect mental heath

Also, I'm freezing cold, and maybe using up all the hot water will warm me up.


  1. Hahaha! I do that too. There's a pj line, I think. After 1pm I start feeling Pyjama Guilt. And I talk to myself, too.

    Came to visit from CJane's FB page - I thought I'd say hello!

  2. Thank you for the hello! Pajama Guilt is the perfect term for it
